Colorado to California and Back Again!
This was a fun week. As many of you know we lived in Colorado on and off for the past six years. It is a beautiful place with awe inspiring mountain views and wonderful people. My husband and I have moved and lived in a number of places throughout our marriage – the longest places being California, where we raised our four kids, and Colorado for the most recent season of our lives.
I love making new friends and adding new friends to old friend groups – because you know everyone will love each other. I’ve been thinking a lot about this concept of designing our one beautiful life that we have. The name of this company, “Sage Life Design” came from the idea of how can we put together a wise life, a life that is beautiful, loving, and kind?
A year ago, I came across this book called, “Designing Your Life.” It’s a good read and is thought provoking. It’s one of the most popular
courses in Stanford’s B-School.
It’s a broad overview of how to design one’s life.
I had a few takeaways from reading this book.
- We all have amazing parts of our lives and we all have challenges. It’s how we choose to accept the challenges, and allow them to strengthen us rather than to derail us, that makes the difference.
- We have a lot of power in our minds and our hearts regarding how much we believe in ourselves and what we believe we are here to do on this earth. For some people, it’s easy to know what they want to do with their lives. They figure it out when they are really little. For most people, it can take a long time, with multiple career changes.
- Our minds can allow us to take the next step or can totally immobilize us from moving forward.
- Stepping out into a new venture involves risk and faith and moving past our fear.
How about you? Are you wanting to try something new? Is there something holding you back right now? Do you have someone you can talk to and ask them to help you take the baby step(s) necessary to reaching a new goal or dream? Type in the comment one new thing you have decided to try during this pandemic.
I’m so inspired by the people who intentionally took action during the pandemic and learned a new language, started a new business.
Here is a quote that I love regarding any of these things are hard..but worth it and we each need to choose our hard: